Saturday, July 14, 2012

Silk dying

Back here at Rudolf Steiner College.... 40 of the best and brightest, the very future of Waldorf early childhood education gathered around the home and pool of our lovely teacher Margarita. We swam we dyed silks, and learned the art of plant based dyes. Wild stuff I think I need to breathe into some of this...

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy little goat song

The days roll by here at Steiner College. Lots of classes and a full brain is everyday here. Here is a respite from the intellectual, brought by a couple of happy hungry goats

YouTube Video

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

More clay work

The clay work continues at RSC. Still working the theme of metamorphosis, we worked through the planetary seals making subtle changes until the next seal was reached. The first photo is the Sun seal, moving to the moon seal, then mars, and finally mercury.

Then the next day we learned that the best way to create an animal from memory is starting from behind. It seemed an unlikely exercise, but she had us work on the animal without turning it around until the rear was perfectly formed. It was quite amazing to see how much easier it was to focus of the animal's spine and structure when you are not concerned with it's consciousness in the head and eyes. The work speaks for itself I think.

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