Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Work in clay

Some of the work I have been engaged in here at Rudolf Steiner College has been focused on the processes of metamorphosis in clay. One of the first big projects we did revolved around polyhedral transformation. This was a great will exercise, it took three days and alot of patience to move the clay from a hexahedron (cube) to a octahedron (diamond) and back again. I wish I got more pictures from the actual process but my hands were full of clay. Here is the finished octahedron

The next exercise was focused on plant transformation. We created a clay relief showing the stages of plant life. If you look carefully you can see the sprout, the first leaves, the blossom, the ripening of the fruit, the forming of the seed, and a returning to the earth. The first photo is of my project, but I have included others that caught my eye.

Now we are working on the transformation of the 7 planetary seals. Look for more pictures tomorrow as we just got started.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Learning to knit

Knitting, I have watched in envy of your practitioners. Deftly clicking needle needles flicking. And the yarn, oh the yarn, full of color and texture. At last and by suprise I am learning your alchemy.... One stitch at a time.

Don't mind the holes

Cause my frog turned out pretty great I think.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012


Arrival. After the fact of course but joyfully I arrived in Fair Oaks unscathed. Little clementine drove beautifully. I noticed some odd tire wear that will need to be attended to before the return trip. But I am here and deep in my studies. Hope to have more posts up soon. In the meantime here are a plethora of traveling photos...well how about a couple

Ah, in and food salvation!

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

On the road... Day 2

It was a cold night in the Nevada mountains around Illipah reservoir. My sleeping bag was pulled tight around my face and I was just dozing off to sleep, when suddenly I felt a rush of little feet across my face and into my sleeping bag! Yikes! What a sight I must have been dancing around, still in the bag desperately trying to unzip it and get what ever beast was in, out. All the while my mind racing, What could it be, a spider, or worse? Finally I get the thing back out the face hole in my mummy bag and get the zipper unstuck and down. I grab my flashlight and scan the area for any critters. In the corner of the fence near by I see the smallest little mouse, looking just as scared as He took one look back at me and zip under the fence. All's well that ends well, I guess, all I got for the trouble was a little scratch on my cheek. Good thing it was not a weasel, I thought with a smile as I tried to fall back asleep thinking of the old Mothers of Invention record.......

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

On the road, day one

On the road today to Rudolf Steiner college. I am driving my 1971 beetle named Clementine. Loaded down and comfortably cruising, I have a strange feeling. I pass some workers putting up a huge speed limit sign. It must be 15 feet tall. I get passed by a big truck or two. I feel all out of scale, like the world is getting bigger yet I am the same size. Or perhaps I am shrinking, like Alice, although I don't remember eating any cake. All the road signs look bigger, and have you stopped to clean your windshield lately? The squeegees are monstrous too! Adding to the eerie feeling I come across this truck


Now after 500 miles or so it is time to rest. Thanks Nevada for the free campite. I don't even need to put up my tent. I will just lie on the ground next to the huge picnic table. Nighty night.

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